Legal Brief: Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics registration changes

Posted on: 7/12/24

This legislative session, a bill was passed to change the requirements for registration with the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics. SB 1943, which becomes effective Nov. 1, 2024, provides that OBNDD registrations will now expire annually, and a new registration application has to be submitted each year. If a legal entity is applying for registration, they shall disclose to the director of OBNDD all beneficial owners of the legal entity. Publicly traded entities are excluded from full disclosure provided they still disclose all beneficial owners who exercise authority or control over the CDS at each registered location. No registration shall be leased, assigned, or transferred. No registration shall be transferrable upon change of ownership. 

Applications for renewal registrations are scheduled to open on Aug. 1 and shall be considered timely if submitted by Oct. 31. Registrations not renewed by the end of the calendar year shall be ineligible for renewal and shall require a new registration, but the director may waive a new registration in certain circumstances.

Please see the registration newsletter published by the OBN for additional information. (Maggie Martin)