President's Message

Posted on: 2/9/24

This week I want to update you on a couple of items OHA is working on in addition to our advocacy at the state Capitol.

Earlier this week, I shared with CEOs and CIOs information on OHA’s Cyber Insurance Captive.  The development of the captive is in response to requests from the membership to assist with strategies to reduce cyber risk and the cost of insurance. OHA domiciled the captive in Oklahoma and is partnering with the Texas and New Mexico Hospital Associations as well as INSURICA. Applications have been sent to member CEOs and a hyperlink is included in this week’s Hotline. If you are interested, please fill out and return the application. There is no obligation if you choose to change your mind after submitting your application. However, without the application, we cannot consider your organization for the captive. So please return your application before Feb. 15.

I want to thank the member CEOs who participated in this week’s member CEO Roll Call.  Nearly half of the member hospitals were represented on the call. Your engagement is appreciated and especially during the legislative session.

One item we shared with CEOs was the association’s commitment to improving healthcare quality. For the past 14 years, OHA has led the state’s largest quality improvement collaborative.  Today the collaborative is referred to as HQIC or Hospital Quality Improvement Contract. Soon CMS will release a new scope of quality work that will create opportunities for hospitals to engage with other healthcare providers. We are excited about the potential this new scope will bring to OHA’s members. At this time, there may be organizations reaching out to your hospital in search of endorsement for their contract approach. We encourage you to refrain from endorsing any organization at this time. In fact, you can suggest they reach out to OHA instead. It’s important that all potential contractors for this new scope work through the association so we can ensure optimal participation from the membership and alignment with the improvement approach we have developed over the past 14 years.

Lastly, please put March 27 on your calendar as we will celebrate Caregivers Day at the Capitol.  Hospital leaders are encouraged to come to the Capitol and bring members of your clinical team with you. More information will be sent to members in the next week. We hope many of you will participate and share your stories on how your organization and your caregivers are improving health and healthcare in Oklahoma.


Rich Rasmussen
President & CEO