Learn more about supporting summer meals for students at a meeting in your area

Posted on: 2/16/24

As part of OHA’s food insecurity work, we are working with partners statewide to identify and establish new hospital-based Summer Feeding Sites (SFS). SFS are part of the Summer Food Service Program, a federally funded program providing reimbursable (to the meal provider) meals to students during summer when school is not in session. Oklahoma has a very high rate of food insecurity and a very high rate of childhood food insecurity and the opportunity to support children with no-cost nutritious food during the summer is an essential need and a meaningful, tangible way to support food insecurity work in our state.

In preparation and support of the Summer Meal Service Program, there are three upcoming regional convenings focused on providing food and meals to children this summer. Attendance is free and an ideal opportunity to become familiar with the Summer Food Service Program, Summer Feeding Sites, and the ways organizations can participate in these programs.

The regional convenings are:

Central Oklahoma 
2024 Oklahoma Summer Meals Regional Convening (OKC)
Hosted by Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma
Thursday, Feb. 22, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Register here.

Northeast Oklahoma
2024 Oklahoma Summer Meals Regional Convening (Tulsa)
Hosted by Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma 
Tuesday, March 5, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Register here.

Southwest Oklahoma
2024 Oklahoma Summer Meals Regional Convening (Lawton)
Hosted by Lawton Farmers Market
Tuesday, March 12, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Register here.

Our goal is to identify interested hospital partners to either sponsor their own SFS, which means preparing, serving, and accounting for the program at their site, or hosting a SFS for another sponsoring organization. 

Below are two USDA links about the Summer Food Service Program and the rural non-congregate rules, which are a very helpful way to meet the needs of children in rural communities. 

Connecting Kids with Nutritious Food When School's Out
Rural Non-Congregate Rules

If you are interested in any of OHA’s Health Improvement Initiatives, employee wellness, clinical tobacco treatment, provider burnout, preventive lung cancer, or food insecurity, please reach out to our team at [email protected]