Registration now open for Oklahoma Center for Nursing Leadership Summit

Posted on: 8/30/24

Registration is now available for the Oklahoma Center for Nursing Leadership Summit, to be held Tuesday, Oct. 1, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., in the OHA Seminar Center. The Summit is a forum for open discussion and collaboration among nursing partners to discuss the establishment of the Oklahoma Center for Nursing. For more information, view the agenda here.   

Registration is required and must be submitted by Tuesday, Sept. 24. Space is limited. Please note that registration is limited to two persons per facility/entity. The cost is $20 and will cover refreshments and lunch.

The summit is targeted for nursing leaders from all areas, including, but not limited to, education, employment, professional organizations, and advanced practice.

Objectives for the summit include:

1. Define the purpose for establishment of the Oklahoma Center for Nursing;
2. Explore the structure of established centers for nursing in other states;
3. Identify organizations within Oklahoma that are currently addressing nursing issues, educational clinical partnerships, programs to support new graduates from nursing programs, scholarships and tuition reimbursement, internships, well-being, and other resources for current nurses and employers, and persons exploring nursing careers; and
4. Identify and rank the top five priorities for the Oklahoma Center for Nursing.

View more details and register here