Oklahoma Trauma Center Levels

All levels of a recognized trauma center must maintain a trauma registry and operate quality assurance processes informed by it. 

Level IV: A facility which staff s a 24-hour emergency service with at least a “physician extender” such as a licensed physician’s assistant, a nurse practitioner, a registered nurse or a paramedic, with special trauma training as defined by that facility. No surgical or diagnostic services are required. This is a primary referral facility, for rapid stabilization and transfer to definitive care. 

Level III: A facility which staffs a 24-hour emergency service with at least a physician, and which has general surgical services on an on-call basis. X-ray, laboratory services, recovery room and intensive care beds are required. This is an intermediate facility, capable of handling non-surgical trauma. 

Level II: A facility which staffs a 24-hour trauma service with at least an emergency department physician, and which maintains a surgeon-led trauma team with rigorous response standards, capable of immediate surgical intervention when necessary. 24-hour neurosurgical capacity is required. Extensive specialty services are available, including cardiac, thoracic and orthopedic surgery. This is a tertiary referral facility, capable of managing all types of trauma. 

Level I: This is the highest level, with all the features of level II, plus physician anesthesia and a trauma research program. This is a trauma care teaching facility.