

Click Register Online for More Details.

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This is part 3 of a 3 part series. Go to July 16 on the education calendar to register for the entire series. (Part 1 is on July 16 and Part 2 is on July 30.) Medicare-certified hospitals must follow CMS regulations and interpretative guidelines for the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). This three-part series will focus on problematic areas of EMTALA concepts, adequacy of medical screening and on-call physician issues. Click Register Online for further information.


For further information on this program, please contact Amanda Bowen:

Phone: (405) 427-9537 Email: [email protected]
To register online, you must be logged in. If you need to obtain a new login or do not know your login username and password, please email [email protected] or call (405) 427-9537.

Cancellation Policy:
The cancellation policy is stated on the registration form/brochure for each event.

Substitutions and Transfers:
Registrants unable to attend may send an alternate. Report substitutions to Amanda Bowen at [email protected] or Shelly Bush at  [email protected], or call (405) 427-9537 prior to the program. Transfers from one OHA educational program to another are not permitted.